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  • ALİ ARSLANOĞLU 1Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sağlık Yönetimi Bölümü, İstanbul, Türkiye
  • Mesude Arslan Kabadayı Sağlık Bilimleri üniversitesi



Unwanted Event Notification, Quality in Healthcare, Security Reporting


In our country, the Security Reporting System (GRS) activities have been initiated by the Ministry of Health to report incident notifications that threaten patient and employee safety at the national level. In the Quality Standards in Health (SKS) Hospital Set (Version 6) published on 14.03.2020, the name of the Safety Reporting notification system was changed to ‘Unwanted Incident Notification System’.The purpose of this research is to examine and compare the perception of the name change of the department in the SKS Hospital Set (Version 6) and its effect on the adverse event notification process.

            The study was designed in a cross-sectional and descriptive type. In the study, the survey method consisting of the questions determined by the researchers by scanning the literature was used. Cronbach alpha was used for the reliability of the items used in the survey. As a result of reliability, Cronbach alpha was found to be 0.855 and it was considered to be highly reliable.

            The study was conducted with 231 health personnel working in a public hospital. 71.4% of the participants in the research are women, 74% are in the age range of 27-31, 43.7% are undergraduate graduates, 46.8% work 40 hours a week, 49.4% are midwives-nurses, 47.2% work in an institution 1 -5 years, 39.4% work in the profession between 1-5 years, 25.5% work in surgery and 25.5% work in internal medicine. A significant difference was found in the perception of name change in terms of the occupational groups and the unit of work. It is thought that the results of the study will contribute to the measurement of the perception and awareness of the name change made on the event notification system by the employees in health institutions.



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