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Internet Addiction, Nutrition, Exercise, Student, Nursing, Midwifery


This study was conducted to determine the relationship between internet addiction with nutrition and exercise behaviors of university students. This descriptive study was conducted between 20.11.2021 and 20.12.2021 in a Health Sciences Faculty in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey. The study was completed with 597 university students, reaching 82% of the universe. The data of the study "Information Form", "Internet Addiction Test" and "Nutrition Exercise Behavior Scale" were used. Sperman correlation analysis was used to evaluate the data. The mean age of the students was 20.08±1.06 years, the mean BMI was 21.82±3.10 kg/m2, and 84.8% of them were women. The students' total Nutrition Exercise Behavior Scale mean score was 131.13±18.76 and the Internet Addiction Test mean score was 30.04±10.57. There was a weak positive correlation between the nutrition exercise behavior scale and the internet addiction test mean score (p<0.001). As students' internet addiction increases, psychological eating behavior and unhealthy nutrition exercise behavior increase. It can be suggested that mobile applications or online courses that will support university students in healthy nutrition be given as elective courses.


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2023-10-03 — Updated on 2024-07-02


How to Cite

ATİLLA, R., HÖBEK AKARSU, R., ŞAHAN, Özlem, & ŞAHİN KAYA, A. (2024). NUTRITION AND EXERCISE BEHAVIORS WİTH INTERNET ADDICTION: THE CASE OF CENTRAL ANATOLIA, TURKEY. Göbeklitepe Medical Science Journal, 6(13). (Original work published October 3, 2023)


