Ostomy, psychological resilience, Adaptation, NursingAbstract
This research was conducted with a descriptive design to determine the impact of psychological resilience levels on adaptation to ostomy in individuals with ostomies. The sample of the study consisted of 134 patients with ostomy who applied to the General Surgery clinics and polyclinics of a Hospital in Afyon between December 1, 2021, and September 30, 2022. Data were collected using the "Resilience Scale (RS)’’ and "Ostomy Adjustment Scale (OAS)". Data analysis involved the use of Mann Whitney U Test, Kruskal Wallis H Test, correlation, and simple linear regression analyses. Of the participants, 72.4% had a ostomy due to colorectal cancer, and 60.4% had a colostomy. The scores of the OAS differed according to factors such as ostomy type, treatment status (chemotherapy/radiotherapy), preoperative ostomy information, ostomy site marking, and self-ostomy care (p<0.05). There was a positive, strong, and significant relationship between the mean scores of the RS and the OAS. Each unit increase in RS scores was associated with a 0.419 unit increase in OAS scores, and the RS scores explained 91.6% of the variance in the OAS scores (R2=0.916). These findings indicate that the psychological resilience level of individuals with ostomy significantly influences their adaptation to ostomy.
Keywords: Ostomy, Psychological Resilience, Adaptation, Nursing
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- 2023-09-19 (1)
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