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Organ donation, hospital staff, brain death, level of knowledge


The aim of this study was conducted to determine the opinions of different occupational groups working in the hospital regarding organ donation. The population of the study consisted of a total of 887 people working in a hospital: and the study was successfully completed with 519 individuals who were voluntary to participate in the study. The questionnaire was sent to the mobile phones of the employees of the institution via a link using Google forms. Of the participants, 91.3% of those with undergraduate/graduate education and 94.1% of physicians, 85.8% of nurses, and 88.2% of medical secretaries in the occupational groups had knowledge about organ donation (p=0.001), 100% of physicians, 92.1% of nurses and 95.6% of the medical secretaries found organ donation religiously appropriate, they wanted organ donation after death (p=0.000), they would accept someone else's organ in case of need and they could donate organs to a non-Muslim (p=0.000). In line with these results, it is recommended that awareness about organ donation among hospital staff be raised through periodic in-service trainings, they be directed to organ donation, and healthcare professionals make plans to promote organ donation in Turkey, where there is a high demand for organ transplantation.



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2024-09-29 — Updated on 2024-10-24


How to Cite

Güzel, H., & OVAYOLU, N. (2024). THE OPINIONS OF DIFFERENT OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS WORKING IN HOSPITALS ABOUT ORGAN DONATION. Göbeklitepe Medical Science Journal, 7(17). Retrieved from (Original work published September 29, 2024)


