The Effect of Physical Activity Enhancing Counseling Service on Students' Physical Activity Levels and Quality of Life: A University Case
Students' Physical Activity Levels and Quality of Life

Level of physical activity, Counseling Service, Quality of Life, University StudentAbstract
The purpose of this study was to ascertain the impact of providing students with counselling services that increase physical activity on their levels of physical activity and overall quality of life. The study involved 29 students from a university in Turkiye. The students' levels of physical activity and overall quality of life were assessed. Following a four-week period of physical activity-enhancing counselling services, the same assessments were conducted, along with an evaluation of the program's results. All participant quality of life measures and physical activity levels increased in a statistically significant way (p<0.05). The main reasons why the individuals' levels of physical activity were restricted were fear of injury, lack of time, and other priorities. Nonetheless, the participants' level of physical activity and quality of life improved following the 4-week Physical Activity Enhancing Counselling Service. The students studying in the nursing department experienced a greater increase in physical activity following the counselling service than the students studying in the health management department. Reevaluating the same participants in the next years will allow one to assess the counselling service's long-term effects.
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- 2024-12-29 (2)
- 2024-12-27 (1)
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