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Child, Sexual Abuser, University Student, Information and AwarenessAbstract
This research was conducted to evaluate the knowledge and awareness levels of nursing, psychology, special education teacher, classroom teacher and pre-school teacher candidates regarding child sexual abusers. The sample of the descriptive study consisted of 282 students studying in any of these departments in the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year of a foundation university in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The data of the research were collected electronically via Google form with two forms: Introductory Information Form and Knowledge and Awareness Scale for Child Sexual Abusers. 70.6% of the students participating in the research were women, 36.2% were first graders, 58.2% were between the ages of 21 and 25, 81.6% did not receive any training on child sexual abusers, 84% had not attend any congresses or seminars. The total score average of the students from the knowledge and awareness scale regarding child sexual abusers was found to be 105.60±23.30. It was found that child sexual abusers received 30.13±7.43 points in the characteristic sub-dimension and 75.47±17.47 points in the abuse methods sub-dimension. These results show that students' level of knowledge and awareness about child sexual abusers is high. It is recommended that the knowledge and awareness of students studying in nursing, psychology, special education teaching, classroom teaching and pre-school teaching departments, who will spend the most time and communicate with the education and care of children in their professional life, are further improved through training, congresses or seminars.
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- 2024-07-02 (2)
- 2023-12-24 (1)
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