Evaluation of Knowledge and Behavior of Mothers with 0-1 Year Old Babies About Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Risk Factors
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sudden infant death syndrome was insufficient. Keywords; SuddenAbstract
This study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge levels of mothers with babies aged 0-1 about risk factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and to determine its relationship with socio-demographic variables.The research was conducted with 375 mothers who had babies between the ages of 0-1. The sample of the study was determined by the stratified simple random sampling method. Data were collected with questions created by the researchers. data were analyzed in spss program. While more than half of the mothers (64.3%; n=241) stated that the house is heated by a stove, 94.7% (n=355) stated that sudden infant death was not observed in their family and relatives, and 5.3% (20) stated that It was determined that it was defined as sudden infant death. It was determined that 52.5% of the mothers (n=197) received information/training regarding pre/postnatal baby care. It was observed that mothers who stated that they received information/training regarding baby care received this information/training from more than one source, and the highest rate of this source (97.0%; n=191) was nurses and midwives. Many interventions that may pose a risk for mothers in terms of sudden infant death syndrome (such as placing the baby in the wrong position, covering the baby's face with a cheesecloth while sleeping, laying the baby on its side while sleeping, wrapping the baby tightly in a blanket, keeping foreign materials that the baby can put into its mouth while the baby is sleeping, the bed where the baby sleeps, sudden infant death syndrome) It was determined that they were preferred in a way that would pose a risk to the. It was understood that mothers' knowledge about sudden infant death syndrome was insufficient.
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