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  • Sümeyye ALTIPARMAK Inonu University


Breast milk, Midwife, Breastfeeding, Lactation, Relactation


Breast milk, which perfectly meets the baby's physiological and psychosocial needs during the first six months after birth, plays an important role in establishing the mother-baby bond. The importance of breastfeeding in laying the foundations of a healthy life is an indisputable issue. 3 out of every 5 babies were not breastfed in the first hour of life, and only 41% of babies under 6 months were exclusively breastfed. For the sake of newborn and maternal health, breastfeeding should be restarted at every opportunity if it is interrupted. The process of restarting or inducing lactation is called relactation. During the relaxation process, practices are applied to the body of a woman whose milk production has decreased, stopped or has never started, and the body is taught how to produce milk. 8-58 days of women trying relaxation. It is reported that milk production started between days. If the mother's breastfeeding motivation is strong, it is possible to achieve relaxation in the postpartum period. Breastfeeding supplements and drip method are the two main methods used in relaxation. Additionally, the use of bottles and other feeding materials should be stopped. Breastfeeding should be questioned in general; Mothers should be told how lactation occurs and how breast care should be done. Midwives should support mothers by effectively using their educational role through counseling during the breastfeeding process. It should not be forgotten that the role of midwives is very important as the continuous and positive support provided by midwives will increase the success of relaxation during the period when breastfeeding is stopped. The aim of this review is to shed light on lactation and relaxation issues and to provide information about midwifery approaches to these processes..


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2024-06-30 — Updated on 2024-10-06


How to Cite

ALTIPARMAK, S., & KARADENİZ, Z. (2024). English LACTATION - RELACTATION PROCESS AND MIDWIVES APPROACHES. Göbeklitepe Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(16). Retrieved from https://gobeklitepejournal.com/index.php/pub/article/view/274 (Original work published June 30, 2024)


