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21st Century Skills, Nursing, Nursing Students, Career Decision MakingAbstract
This study was conducted to examine the relationship between twenty-first century skills and career decision-making levels of nursing students. It is a descriptive study using the relational screening model. The research was conducted with 254 students studying in the nursing department of a state university. Data were collected with online survey forms using the Personal Information Form, 21st Century Skills Scale and Career Decision Scale. 254 students participated in the research. When the scores obtained from the scales and the class status of the students were examined, it was determined that the 21st Century Skills Scale differed in terms of the students' class status (p <0.05). In terms of 21st Century Skills and career decision-making level, the mean scores of 2nd grade, 3rd grade and 4th grade students were found to be similar. However, it was determined that the average score of 1st grade students was relatively lower than the average score of 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students. A statistically significant relationship was found between the scales (p<0.05). This relationship was found to be 54.8% positive. It was determined that as the "Career Decision Scale" score increased, the "21st Century Skills Scale" score also increased. It is thought that providing students with 21st century skills in nursing education can contribute to their future career development.
Keywords: 21st century skills, Nursing, Nursing students, Career decision making.
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