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Earthquake, Nursing Student, Suffering, osttraumatic Stress Disorder


This study investigates the psychological and emotional consequences of an earthquake on nursing students. This study utilized a mixed research design consisting of qualitative in-depth interviews and quantitative questionnaires to explore the experiences and psychological effects of an earthquake on nursing students in Türkiye. Stratified sampling was used to provide a representative sample. The study population included 39 nursing students who were severely affected by an earthquake in Kahramanmaraş. The qualitative interviews aimed to capture the personal perspectives and coping mechanisms of the students, while the quantitative questionnaires measured the level of post-earthquake trauma using a standardized scale. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews between June and August 2023, and content analysis was employed to analyze the qualitative data, while descriptive statistics were used for the quantitative data analysis. The results of the study revealed significant psychological and emotional effects on nursing students who experienced the earthquake. Participants reported various symptoms such as anxiety, stress, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The findings also emphasised the importance of social support and coping mechanisms in mitigating the negative effects of the earthquake on students' well-being. This study provides valuable insights into the psychological effects of the earthquake on nursing students. By addressing the mental health needs of nursing students, educational institutions and policy makers can foster a thriving academic community that is resilient in the face of disasters.


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