The Effect of Peer Education Provided Under the Guidance of Health Promotion Model to Young Adults on Their Genital Hygiene Behaviors: The Case of Turkey

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  • Filiz POLAT Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Ebelik Bölümü
  • Didem ŞİMŞEK KÜÇÜKKELEPÇE Lokman Hekim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Ebelik Bölümü
  • Leyla DELİBAŞ Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi, Meslek Yüksekokulu, Diyaliz Bölümü



Health Promotion Model, Genital hygiene, Peer education, Young adults


This study was conducted to determine the effect of peer education provided under the guidance of health promotion model to young adults on their genital hygiene behaviors.This quasi-experimental study with a single group pretest-posttest model was conducted. In the study, 50 students studying in the midwifery department of a university in the southeastern Turkey were determined as peer educators. The education was provided to a total of 442 peopleaged between 18-25 years who were selected with improbable sampling method. It was determined that peer education given under the guidance of the health promotion model was effective and the knowledge level of young adults about genital hygiene behaviors increased. In order to give genital hygiene education to wider masses and groups, peer education based on the health promotion model can be recommended.



How to Cite

POLAT, F., ŞİMŞEK KÜÇÜKKELEPÇE, D., & DELİBAŞ, L. (2022). The Effect of Peer Education Provided Under the Guidance of Health Promotion Model to Young Adults on Their Genital Hygiene Behaviors: The Case of Turkey . Göbeklitepe Medical Science Journal, 5(7), 35–44.


