Menstruation, hot pack application, pain, nursingAbstract
Heat application can be effective method on premenstrual symptoms. This study was to determine the effect of dry heat applied on foot base menstrual symptoms and pain. In this randomized controlled trial, the effectiveness of the hot application to the foot base of the students was evaluated in 2019. Data were collected via sociodemografic form, Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Menstruation Symptom Questionnaire [MSQ]. In the first three days of the menstrual period which the pain is more intense, the participants should have dry hot application when they feel pain; two times in a day pain was assessed with VAS and in the last day of the menstruation MSQ was filled. A statistically significant difference was found between the three-day VAS in both groups. However, there was no difference between Menstruation Symptom Scale subscale and total score avg of the intervention and control groups. Applying hot pack to the foot can be expressed as an effective method to reduce pain. Due to premenstrual syndrome is a complex process, the reduction of pain in the later days of the menstrual cycle in both groups can be psychological or be explained for physiological reasons. Clinical Trial Registration:NCT05664048.
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