Nurses' Prıvacy Conscıousness and Ethical Attitudes in Nursing Care

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Ethical Attitude, Nursing Care, Privacy Consciousness, Intensive Care Nurse


This study aimed to examine the relationship between the privacy conscıousness of intensive care nurses and their ethical attitudes in nursing care. The research was descriptive, correlational, and cross-sectional types. The study sample consisted of 194 intensive care nurses working in the intensive care units of hospitals of different sizes in Turkey. Data were collected using a personal information form, privacy consciousness scale, and ethical attitude scale in nursing care. Descriptive statistics, nonparametric tests and Spearman correlation analysis were used to the data evaulation. Our study determined the privacy consciousness level of intensive care nurses was high and their ethical attitudes in nursing care were positive. The average score of the Privacy Conscıousness Scale of intensive care nurses showed a statistically significant differences according to the institution they work in, professional experience and experiencing ethical problem variables; the total score of the Ethical Attitude Scale in Nursing Care showed a statistically significant differences according to the receiving training on ethics and patient rights, experiencing ethical problem and solving ethical problem. It was determined that there is a weak positive relationship between the privacy consciousness of intensive care nurses and the level of ethical attitudes in nursing care. It is recommended to prepare regular in-service training using visual and written materials to increase and maintain nurses' awareness of privacy awareness and ethical attitudes and behaviors, to establish follow-up and follow-up systems for the protection of patient privacy, and to establish ethical commissions to apply in cases where ethical problems cannot be resolved.


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2023-09-22 — Updated on 2024-07-02


How to Cite

ERKUŞ KÜÇÜKKELEPÇE, G., & ÇOŞKUN PALAZ, S. (2024). INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTENSIVE CARE UNIT NURSES’ PRIVACY CONSCIOUSNESS AND ETHICAL ATTITUDES IN NURSING: Nurses’ Prıvacy Conscıousness and Ethical Attitudes in Nursing Care. Göbeklitepe Medical Science Journal, 6(13). (Original work published September 22, 2023)


