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  • ASİBE ÖZKAN Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi, Öğretim Üyesi
  • Eda Çiftçi KARAN


Patient Satisfaction, Patient Complaints, SABİM, CİMER


This study was conducted to determine the effect of How Can We Help You? Offices was conducted to determine the effect of the offices on patient satisfaction rates and the number of CIMER and SABİM applications. The data of the descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study were collected by obtaining the necessary institutional permissions from the hospital administration, and the SABİM, CIMER applications in 2021 and 2022 and patient feedback recorded in the How Can We Help You? The data were obtained through document analysis of patient feedbacks recorded in the offices. 

How can we help you? Offices were not active in 2021, the total number of SABİM applications was 849 and the highest complaint was not being able to get an appointment from the central hospital appointment system (MHRS) with 34.51%, while the total number of CIMER applications was 326 and the highest complaint was not being satisfied with the treatment and examination with 40.49%. The same values for SABİM for the year 2022; While the total number of applications to SABİM decreased to 475, the highest complaint rate was 32.84%, the total number of applications to CIMER decreased to 297, and the highest complaint topic remained the same as dissatisfaction with the treatment and examination with 37.37%.  How can we help you? It was observed that the monthly average number of SABİM applications decreased from 70.75±44.03 to 39.58±18.28 after the establishment of the offices and this was statistically significant when the monthly averages of 2021-2022 were compared (t: 2.247, p: 0.039).

These results showed that help desks, where patients and their relatives can communicate their complaints clearly and quickly, reduce the number of applications to national complaint networks and positively affect patient satisfaction. It is recommended that similar practices should be generalised in large-scale city hospitals and other health institutions.


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How to Cite

ÖZKAN, A., & Çiftçi KARAN , E. (2024). AN EXAMPLE OF GOOD PRACTICE IN PATIENT SATISFACTION MANAGEMENT: HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? OFFICES. Göbeklitepe Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(16). Retrieved from


